
London Scheduled Maintenance

  • 5th February 2018
Network UpgradeThe London network will be upgraded to provide network enhancements as part of ongoing efforts to provide excellent service and maintain an ideal hosting environment. A device reload may be necessary and some customers may experience brief periods of latency or packetloss while routes are updated across the redundant topology.Start ...
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[Notifikasi Maintenance] Upgrade Firmware Core Router

  • 1st February 2018
Dear Customer VPS Indonesia Mikrotik, Terima kasih atas kepercayaannya dalam menggunakan jasa layanan kami.Bersama ini kami informasikan akan dilakukan Maintenance dengan detail sebagai berikut : Hari/Tanggal     : Jum'at/02-Februari-2018Estimasi Waktu : 03.00 WIB s/d 03.30 WIBImpact                : Network Connection DownKegiatan  ...
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